Woman Inc
WOMAN INC. is a voluntary, non-profit, non-governmental organisation [NGO], founded in 1984.
It draws upon the creative energies of women from all walks of life that are dedicated to providing assistance to victims of rape, incest, domestic crisis, sexual harassment at the workplace and domestic violence.
The organisation operates through various sub-committees: Facilities, Fundraising, Legal Reform, Public Relations and Public Education.
There is an Executive Committee, which is elected each year at an Annual General Meeting.
This committee establishes and monitors all policies governing organisational activities.
The organisational services consist of The Crisis Centre; a Crisis Shelter; a 24-hour Hotline; a Public Education Programme aimed at Primary and Secondary Schools, community groups, church groups, and the general public; a Legal Reform Committee that lobbies for Legislative change and a Resource Room.
In addition, the Organisation provides, through its Public Education Programme, sensitisation training for members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force.